Sitemap - 2021 - The Next Step
Yes, introversion. And, extroversion.
Yes, responsibilities. And, relationships.
Yes, success. And, fulfillment.
Yes, convictions. And, openness.
Yes, small talk. And, meaningful conversation.
Yes, speaking. And, listening.
Yes, somewhere. And, anywhere.
Yes, creativity. And, productivity.
Yes, technical. And, interpersonal.
Lessons Learned from 25 Weeks of Embracing Complexity
Yes, humility. And, confidence.
"Yes, and" in Experiential Learning
Yes, professionalism. And, authenticity.
Yes, speak the truth. And, love people well.
Yes, the producer. And, the consumer.
Yes, efficiency. And, thoughtfulness.
Yes, competition. And, collaboration.
Yes, synthetic. And, biological.
Yes, grace. And, accountability. [for others]
Yes, grace. And, accountability. [for ourselves]
"Yes, and" in Production Agriculture
Yes, objectivity. And, subjectivity.
Yes, self-love. And, self-improvement.
Yes, selflessness. And, boundaries.
Yes, the long game. And, the short game.
Yes, the typical. And, the exception.
“Yes, and…” — how to find more fulfilment in life by embracing complexity.
An exploration of how embracing complexity can help us understand and interact with the world.