Aug 12, 2021Liked by Miriam Hoffman

Very insightful perspective, thank you for sharing this. As someone who has worked in AFNR Education for nearly 20 years, I often fall into the "habit" of defining what we do by its historical significance and not by its place in industry/education today.

Great food for thought!

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Aug 11, 2021Liked by Miriam Hoffman

“To call row crop farming traditional or research nontraditional gives a very low-resolution image of the real picture: we don’t grow corn the way we did 50 years ago, and using the scientific method to improve our systems has been a part of what we do for decades, whether we realize it or not. “

Development looks different when you look at it from a close up compared to the big picture. Love the metaphor. Great work Miriam, keep it up!

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This is a great blog for me to show my advisor!

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I hope they find value in it! I’d love to hear what they think, too—feel free to shoot me a DM on Instagram or Twitter and put us in touch. I love to learn more.

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