Have You Embraced Your Complexity Recently?
In honor of two years since this Substack launched as "Embracing Complexity," we're throwing it back to some of the most valuable lessons learned in 2021.
Where were you two years ago today? In March of 2021, I felt a distinct calling to share stories of nuance in areas which are easy to over-simplify. Mentors encouraged me to write, teammates supported my ideas, and friends across the country resonated with my thoughts. I nervously committed to writing something. Every. Single. Week. for an entire year. I didn’t know if I could do it.
And then, each of you showed up, one by one, reading and sharing and reflecting on lessons learned in real time. I found myself excited to sit down and write about what I was learning, because you showed me it mattered to you. Even after the hiatus last summer and fall, and in this new season of The Next Step, I’ve continued to see themes of embracing complexity show up everywhere I go.
In honor of the two-year anniversary of the launch of Embracing Complexity, I’ve dug out some of the pieces you valued the most (it just so happens those were usually my favorite pieces to write, too.) Whether you’re new since the launch of The Next Step, or you’ve been here since day #1 of Embracing Complexity, please enjoy these pieces from a previous era!
Where it all began:
Nerdy ag perspectives:
A timely piece for a world struggling to love others well:
For those who love the familiar AND those who love anywhere as long as it’s new:
Looking for success but feeling unfulfilled?
I learned so much from that first year of writing. I learned while I took time off. I’m learning even more now that I’m back at it. Thank you for learning alongside me.
Journal Prompt of the Week
Where were you two years ago? How are you different today?
Share with the Community
Which of these pieces did you enjoy the most? If you’ve been a reader since the Embracing Complexity era, what was your favorite piece?